
Promo Hotel di Nusa Dua Special Libur Lebaran 2021

Liburan Tahun Baru Imlek dan Nyepi sudah berlalu. Jika belum sempat liburan di awal tahun, sebentar lagi kita akan memasuki Liburan Idul Fitri, Tentunya akan banyak promo-promo hotel menarik dari Kura-Kura Hotel. Sekarang bisa jadi kesempatan untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga di Bali. Bali walaupun di masa pandemi ini masih tetap menjadi daya tarik untuk kita berlibur. Suasana yang nyaman dan tempat wisata yang masih tetap indah dan memanjakan mata. Kawasan yang kita pilih adalah Nusa Dua, salah satu kawasan elit dan strategis di Bali, yang menawarkan fasilitas lengkap dan tentunya aman dan nyaman. Yuk cek beberapa rekomendasi Promo Hotel Lebaran dari Hotel Meister Kura-Kura Hotel untuk area Nusa Dua….

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Promo Hotel Di Jimbaran Spesial Libur Lebaran 2021

Libur Lebaran sebentar lagi nih, sudah memiliki rencana mau pergi kemana? Waktu libur Lebaran biasanya banyak orang yang menggunakan waktu tersebut untuk mudik ke rumah kakek-nenek/saudara atau berunjung ke tempat-tempat wisata. Bicara tempat wisata rasanya asik banget nih kalau kita bisa menghabiskan waktu libur lebaran di Bali. Menghabiskan libur lebaran di Bali tidak akan pernah membosankan. Selain terdapat banyak tempat wisata yang menarik, pilihan hotel mewah dengan harga bersahabat juga banyak nih. Kali ini Kura Kura Hotel akan memberikan beberapa informasi mengenai promo hotel lebaran daerah Jimbaran yang ada khusus untuk libur lebaran kalian kali ini. Apakah kalian sudah siap untuk menyambut libur lebaran kali ini dengan informasi promo hotel…

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Bali Situation – Seminyak (Raya Seminyak Street)

As we know, Seminyak is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Bali. Apart from being famous for its beautiful beaches, the Seminyak area is also renowned complete with various facilities such as hotels, spas, restaurants, bars, cafes and shops along the road.If you have been to Seminyak before, you will feel the oddity of the current situation in Seminyak. An area that is usually always crowded with local and foreign tourists, but during this pandemic, the Seminyak area looks very quiet. It’s unfortunate, the street seems so deserted, and only a few tourists can be seen.This photo was taken in October 2020. There are several shops along Jalan…

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5 things about Bali that we missed

“Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.” – Michael Palin Reminiscing the day when we were spending the times in Bali, a little paradise on earth, makes us remember the day when we can have a good time in Ubud or Kuta. There are a few things above others that we miss most about Bali. Beaches Everyone knows that Bali has beaches. As a home of great waves to do surfing for beginners to professionals, it’s one of the main reasons people travel way across the world to visit the Island of…

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Flatten the curve together against COVID-19 in Bali

Due to (COVID-19) spread worldwide, Indonesia, especially  Bali government, has taken further measures to flatten the curve to contain its range of spread. The “curve” refers to the projected number of people who will transmitted COVID-19 over a while. The curve takes on different range, depending on the virus infection rate in every region.  A flatter curve assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a more extended period. And we really need to understand that if we want to flatten the curve and get through of this pandemic, everyone needs to do their part. Current situation in Bali As of 6:00pm on 21 April 2020, there…

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