
E-Booth: Kura Kura Bus

Kura Kura Bus mempersembakan ticket booth online, yang kami sebut sebagai “E-Booth”.  Kami membangun kerjasama bersama OTA untuk mendekati para pelanggan secara lebih dekat dan menjangkau lebih luas. Dengan kerjasama melalui marketplace yang beragam ini, kami berharap dapat dicapai oleh semua kalangan pelanggan kami menuju pelanggan Anda, sebagai partner bus stop kami. Tentunya, sebagai partner Kura Kura Bus stop, kami sangat menghargai seluruh dukungan dan eksistensi yang Anda berikan. Kura Kura Bus akan terus meningkatkan pelayanan terbaik kami, dan melebarkan sayap seluas mungkin dan selebar mungkin untuk kenyamanan para pelanggan dan juga pariwisatawan sebagai penikmat keindahan pariwisata di Bali. Kami akan selalu bergerak dibawah orang orang yang hebat untuk selalu…

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(English) Kura Kura Bus Represent The Best Bali Driver Election Of National Level

Sorry, this entry is only available in English. Celebrating the anniversary of the Department of Transportation on Sept. 17, there will be representatives of each province to follow the competition of best driver/ Awak Kendaraan Umum Teladan (AKUT) at the national level. This year is the first year for Kura Kura Bus following the annual contest held by the transportation department. However, on this first year, Kura Kura Bus Driver on behalf of “I Made Santiasa”, can bring home a trophy and certificate of merit for 1st winner as best driver at the Bali province level. Province of Bali itself has done in several stages of selection are very rigorous…

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(English) Kura Kura Bus Gets A Certificate Of Excellence From Tripadvisor

Sorry, this entry is only available in English. For the trust of all travelers who actively and objectively assess the Kura Kura Bus in providing services. Kura Kura Bus has achieved the great scores from travelers, consistently and actively on Tripadvisor platform. As we knew before, TripAdvisor, Inc. is an American travel website company providing reviews of travel-related content. It also includes interactive travel forums. We also communicate with the traveler who has been delivering score and feedback to our services. We thankful for those who have supported Kura Kura Bus until now. Along with our motto, we will always give “Valuable Travel Experience”.

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2 Pemberhentian Bus Baru : Grand Hyatt & Ayodya Resort Bali

Kami dengan senang hati mengumumkan penambahan 2 pemberhentian bus baru pada tanggal 18 April 2016. Berikut kabar selengkapnya! Grand Hyatt Bali Pemberhentian bus di Grand Hyatt terletak di jantung Nusa Dua, Hanya menempuh waktu 5 menit saja dari pusat perbelanjaan Bali Collection. Bali Collection adalah rumah untuk departement store seperti Centro and SOGO, fashion butik, restoran dan kafe, dan toko – toko yang populer seperti Surfer Girl dan Body & Soul. Harga tiket untuk Nusa Dua Line adalah Rp. 50,000 per orang untuk satu kali perjalanan saja dan anak-anak yang berumur dibawah 2 tahun tidak dikenakan biaya, Ayodya Resort Bali Ayodya Resort Bali merupakan pemberhentian bus yang ketiga pada Nusa Dua Line….

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(English) New Look of Kura-Kura Bus

Sorry, this entry is only available in English.  Hi Travelers!, 🙂 Have you seen any difference in our bus? If you notice, there is new big sticker “Bali Public Bus from Rp. 20.000,-” in every single of our bus. Why we put it? Because there is still many people think that we are a bus rental company but we are not. Kura-kura bus is public shuttle bus which can used by anyone and dedicated in popular tourist area and the ticket price start from IDR 20.000,-. Passengers can travel in one area, or go somewhere completely different by changing lines at the main hub located at DFS Bus Bay in Kuta,…

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